Qasr Al Awani Increases 26% ROAS with Journify and Snapchat


Increase in Attributed ROAS


Decrease in CPP
Journify and Qasr Al Awani have partnered to implement the Conversions API, offering an advanced solution for accurate data tracking and campaign optimization. This integration is essential in a cookie-less world, ensuring data compliance and enhanced ad performance.

Qasr Al Awani, a brand deeply rooted in Saudi traditions, has always prioritized innovation to deliver perfection. With a focus on tailoring their products and services to meet customer needs, they sought to elevate their performance marketing efforts. To achieve this, Qasr Al Awani partnered with Journify to implement the Conversion API (CAPI) with the Snapchat Ad Pixel, aiming to leverage their first-party data more effectively in their campaigns.

The Challenge

Qasr Al Awani faced challenges with targeting accuracy and campaign performance and needed a partner to unlock their first-party data. Partnering with Journify, they integrated the Conversion API with Snapchat Ad Pixel, enabling them to:

  • Optimize Campaign Performance
  • Gain Deeper Insights
  • Accurate Measurement
  • Maintain User Privacy

This partnership has significantly uplifted Qasr Al Awaniʼs marketing capabilities, driving better results and maximizing their advertising ROI on Snapchat through Journify Ad Booster solutions.

The Solution

The Results

By sending more customer events to Snap, targeting, personalization, and ad spending can be optimized, leading to improved marketing results.

Journifyʼs CAPI improved first-party data collection, boosting Event Quality Score from 4.3/10 to 8.8/10

Data and Performance Synergy

80% Increase in Attributed Purchases
26% Increase in Attributed ROAS
17% Decrease in CPP

Journify enhances data transmission quality and reduces latency for peak performance. For Qasr Al Awani, CAPI implementation boosted the EQS from 4.3 to 8.8, significantly improving performance.

The Conversion API enabled precise targeting, better audience insights, and accurate performance measurement, allowing Qasr Al Awani to adapt and optimize campaigns effectively.

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